Olympic Asian pear on OHxF333
One of our latest ripening Asian pears and, partly for this reason, one of our biggest and sweetest. Can be over 1# fruit! Resistant to fireblight. Stores well.
Rootstock: OHxF333 semi-dwarf
Size at maturity: 12’-16’
Pollination: Needs another Asian pear for pollination
One of our latest ripening Asian pears and, partly for this reason, one of our biggest and sweetest. Can be over 1# fruit! Resistant to fireblight. Stores well.
Rootstock: OHxF333 semi-dwarf
Size at maturity: 12’-16’
Pollination: Needs another Asian pear for pollination
One of our latest ripening Asian pears and, partly for this reason, one of our biggest and sweetest. Can be over 1# fruit! Resistant to fireblight. Stores well.
Rootstock: OHxF333 semi-dwarf
Size at maturity: 12’-16’
Pollination: Needs another Asian pear for pollination